'designed by Maksim ivanenko for IT310 'first created on 03/17/01 'pg VB155 exercise #8 Private Sub cmdClear_Click() txtOriginal.Text = " " txtDiscount.Text = " " txtNewprice.Text = " " txtOriginal.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() 'to calculate discount and new price txtDiscount.Text = FormatCurrency(0.25 * Val(txtOriginal.Text)) txtNewprice.Text = FormatCurrency(Val(txtOriginal.Text) * 0.75) End Sub Private Sub txt_Change() End Sub Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() cmdQuit.Visible = False 'to remove comand buttons from printout cmdClear.Visible = False cmdPrint.Visible = False cmdDisplay.Visible = False 'to print info PrintForm 'to return all buttons back for viewer cmdQuit.Visible = True cmdClear.Visible = True cmdPrint.Visible = True cmdDisplay.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub cmdQuit_Click() 'to end run of program End End Sub